Students Curate Virtual Museums

18 06 2011

by Mat Haber for Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning (6.15.11) 

Students Curate Their Own Virtual Museum Space at the New York Hall of Science

“Funded by the National Science Foundation, the virtual hall, built with Active Worlds software, has been in development for nearly two years. Construction is ongoing given that one of the blessings (or curses) of a digital-only world is that it can be altered indefinitely without costly land acquisitions and complicated building permits.

As the students-turned-museum builders, each of whom came from New York-area middle and high schools, collaborated on the space and filled it with interactive installations, they bolstered their communication and team-working abilities along with their illustration and programming skills. In time, the Virtual Hall of Science will serve as an interactive environment where students can go on virtual field trips as easily as logging into their computers—no bag lunch or permission slips required.”

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