NMC Larry Johnson asks…

9 03 2012

“If I Only Had $1…..”

Listen to some early responses:

one dollar video

Dr. Larry Johnson was at the CoSN Conference 2012 in Washington, DC on March 5 to 7, 2012. Get the whole story here: http://www.edtechmagazine.com/k12/video/cosn-if-i-only-had-1

What would YOU answer to Larry’s question?

How To Make Recordings in Second Life

27 02 2012

Colleagues have asked me how I create inworld recordings. I had already posted my early trials and tribulations on my first virtual blog (http://educedge.edublogs.org/category/how-to/page/2/) but I have not used that blog space in several years, and in re-reading what I posted, I realize that many things have evolved making the process a bit easier. I have not produced a film with a creative storyline or staged any cinema scenes in a long time. What I can offer here, though, is my experience with recording and archiving a live talk show, hosted on CAVE Island in Second Life. I suspect that since the software I use is web-based, this technique would work with any virtual platforms (video games, virtual worlds, …). I work on a PC, so this post would have to be adapted to anyone using a Mac.
Here are my steps:
1) Create an account on Livestream (free): http://new.livestream.com
2) Download Procaster
3) Watch what this kid does. His tutorial is quick (less than 3mns) and clear.

4) Click on Preferences to make sure that you are recording your desktop screen and not from your webcam.
5) Before I click “Broadcast”, I open my SL client.
6) I resize my SL screen so that the Procaster window is on the right side of my desktop screen, and not in my SL screen.
7) Click on “Broadcast”. Now you are broadcasting live your screen and your audio.
8) A Procaster UserInterface bar will appear at the bottom of my screen. So I resize my SL screen so that only the SL screen shows up in the broadcasting brackets.
7) When I am done broadcasting, I click “stop” on the bottom UI bar. Procaster will then ask me to delete or record the broadcast. I type in the name of the show, and click on “Save Recording”. Go slow because there is no recovering a show if you click on delete.
8) Then click on the Livestream logo (which directs you to your livestream account, click on My Account > My Channels > Studio > Video On-Demand. There you can select your latest recording, listen to it and make sure that it is alright. From there you can also choose the embed code or download.
9) Click on your account name, and this will get you to your public channel page. There you’ll have the url to the latest recording.

Here is the ARVEL Channel on Livestream that I’ve been managing for the ARVEL SIG: http://www.livestream.com/arvelsig
You can also embed the Channel on your Ning: http://arvelsig.ning.com/page/livestream

My Tips:
1) Because I do not want to do any post-editing, i click on “Broadcast” only when I am ready to screencast to the world. Everything that happens from then on is broadcasted and will be recorded and published as is.
2) I always use a headset to limit environmental noises outside the computer, so that the software records only what comes from inworld. This also means that I mute my mic once I am done introducing the guest speaker.
3) I manage the broadcast on livestream and the hosting inworld simultaneously, which means that I also login in SL with my admin avatar on my laptop, also with a headset plugged in (thanks Liz Dorland/Chimera Cosmos), to mute all external sound. Now I can have one avatar doing the hosting, and the other busy with the recording. This allows for a freedom of camera view when necessary from the admin avatar (security and other land permissions), and from the hosting avatar (changing camera view for a more interesting broadcast and recording).
4) You can also encourage your online listeners to type in their comments in the chat room on Livestream, that you can forward inworld to your discussion table. It makes for an outstanding mixed media experience.
5) Finally, know that because this is a free account, there is an ad starting at the beginning of every recording that you’ll make. You’ll have no choice over that.
6) Finally, Finally, I noticed that I must move very often the avatar on the computer I use to livestream otherwise the video gets recording in several short ones. There is no loss of video or audio, but it’s a bit annoying to start a new video to get to the next segment of your talk show recording…i’ll let you know if or when i find a solution to that.

I do not suggest that this is the best way to record live shows, but this is the way that works for me. I would be very pleased if you want to share your preferred tips, tricks and software to create recordings inworlds.

This movie camera icon is yours when you share your tips here in the comments! Thanks.

NSF grants for cyberlearning

20 02 2012

Keep your eyes open on this site. NSF is interested in supporting what you do in virtual environments.

JIBE/UNITY: how to make games/apps

20 02 2012

Free e-book posted this month on Scribd to teach your students how to make games/apps with Unity, multiplayer with Jibe; Android, and Apple with right licenses. Basic Unity is free, jibe is affordable


30 01 2012

2 weeks without news….ouch. Well, this has been such an incredibly busy month. I have been helping setting up some activities on EDTEC Island, host of the SITE Virtual presentations (http://sitecitylimits.wordpress.com, http://site.aace.org/conf). Here is Dr. Lisa Dawley welcoming you to drop by anytime:

ARVEL is co-hosting SITE Virtual and is providing the Livestream solution for all virtual events during SITE: http://arvelsig.ning.com/page/livestream. At 10 AM PT on 03/07, ARVEL will present CLIVE by Dr. Jonathon Richter, an ARVEL Inworld Discussion/SITE special virtual events series (Bookmark this page for other events: http://arvelsig.ning.com/events)

ARVEL is also hosting VWBPE 2012. Expect to see LOTS of really cool exhibitions and traffic on the CAVE Island common grounds. Similarly to SITE Virtual, VWBPE 2012 will be using the dual-sim presentation space (EDTEC and CAVE Islands) to welcome up to 100 simultaneous avatars.

So bookmark your calendars for March: 03/04 to 03/09 SITE; 03/15 to 03/17 VWBPE; and all ARVEL Inworld Discussions are listed in the ARVEL Event Calendar (We’ve had a discussion EVERY week since we came back from the winter break!)

I’ve also been quite busy with the ARVEL SuperNews Winter 2012. The theme of this issue is Engagement and Renewal. We still have a lot of room for picture submissions for the Club Photo page, questions for Dr. Chris Dede for his ‘Dear Abby’-like open letter, blog and twitter suggestions, etc. We already have some great reviews of softwares and apps for augmented reality and video games. I know that a few ARVEL colleagues will be sending more suggestions based on their own trials, errors and usage. What a great community of practice we are building.

Last by not least, Jonathon Richter, Patrick O’Shea and I are busy setting up a really (and I mean, REALLY) cool member experience that we will open for the 2012 AERA Annual Meeting. Called The Scholar Journey, this quest-based experience will include AR, 3D GameLab, and onsite events. BYOMD!!!! (Bring Your Own Mobile Device!!!!!)

Please twitter this post (#educedge). This will help get the word out regarding all the cool events coming up in SL and in real life. Cheers!

NMC Connections

9 01 2012

Well, now you have it. NMC Connections has its really cool TV-like channel on latest news in EdTec. I have to admit that I’ve been tabling a similar programming for ARVEL SIG as a pilot and ultimately for my local TV channel, so I am both excited and a bit bummed out to see it in action first by someone else. BUT you have got to watch it. It’s newsy both in format and in content. Definitely NMC focused, so don’t go there to get other org info, but NMC is an outstanding organization with TONS of great resources for educators.You would miss out by not going on their website and check out their News section: The Horizon Report 2012 is coming out soon.

Check it out:

This NMC episode is not only cool, it features 3D GameLab! How exciting! 3D GameLab is an awesome new LMS developed by Boise State University. I have a series of post related to 3D GameLab from when I attended the Beta seminar in August 2011. Read a description here: https://sabinereljic.wordpress.com/2011/05/18/3dgamelab/, and click on my game pedagogy category to pull up other related posts.

Here is a badge for watching the video. Just type “cool video” in the comment section to get the badge. By the way, there is a special award for watching several videos on my blog.

NASA challenges students in grade 5 to 12

5 10 2011

This is not a blog on VW, AR or other emerging technologies, but I am biased in favor to NASA and its efforts to make astronomy exciting to students. Please forward this post to relevant audiences and interested colleagues.

Now Accepting Entries! Cassini Scientist for a Day Essay Contest

Students in grades 5-12 are invited to submit their entries for the fall 2011 Cassini Scientist for a Day Essay Contest. Entries are due at http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/scientistforaday on Oct. 26 at noon PDT.

The Cassini Scientist for a Day contest challenges students to become NASA scientists studying Saturn. Participants examine three possible observations taken by the Cassini spacecraft and choose the one they think will yield the best scientific results. This choice must be supported in a 500-word essay. Winners and their classmates will participate in a teleconference with scientists from NASA’s Cassini mission.

The contest is open to students in grades 5-12, working alone or in groups of up to four students. The essays will be divided into three groups: grades 5-6, 7-8 and 9-12. All submissions must be the students’ original work. Each student may submit only one entry, and all entrants will receive a certificate of participation. Winning essays will be posted on the Cassini website, and winners and their classes are invited to participate in a teleconference, videoconference, or webcast question-and-answer session with Cassini scientists. For complete rules, videos, and more information, visit: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/scientistforaday/

Two dozen other countries are running parallel essay contests. Check here to see if your country is participating: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/education/scientistforaday10thedition/international/countries/

Questions about the contest can be sent to scientistforaday@jpl.nasa.gov

Get the flier: http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/files/FLYER_2011_Sept_2.pdf

Tweet (#educedge) or forward this post (let me know in comments that you did), and this badge is yours

Designing Digitally; Inc. wins 2011 Air Force Research Lab Virtual World Contract

20 06 2011

Original post 05/26/2011

“Teaching students how to build airplanes, robots and simulations is serious business, but Designing Digitally, Inc. plans to make it a game — literally.

Designing Digitally, Inc., the web-based training firm that specializes in E-learning, virtual worlds, and 3D simulations, was recently awarded a 2011 Air Force Virtual World contract from the United States Air Force Research Laboratory located in Dayton, Ohio. This means the simulation experts at Designing Digitally, Inc. will dedicate the next year to creating an OpenSim virtual world grid, called Virtual Discovery Lab (ViDL), in which high school and college students can explore these technical topics in a hands-on, educational environment.

“We are extremely honored to have been selected for this contract,” said Andrew Hughes, President of Designing Digitally, Inc. “It is going to be a fantastic and rewarding challenge to create the OpenSim virtual world infrastructure for United States Air Force Research Laboratory’s Discovery Lab.”

The contract award not only calls for Designing Digitally, Inc. to help create the Virtual Discovery Lab OpenSim virtual world grid, but also to work hands-on with students interested in the field over the summer at WPAFB Tec^Edge office. Students in the program are able to explore a number of areas of interest in an educational, hands-on setting that is challenging and fun….”

Read all of it here: http://www.designingdigitally.com/blog/2011/05/designing-digitally-inc-wins-2011-air-force-research-lab-virtual-world-contract

Students Curate Virtual Museums

18 06 2011

by Mat Haber for Spotlight on Digital Media and Learning (6.15.11) 

Students Curate Their Own Virtual Museum Space at the New York Hall of Science

“Funded by the National Science Foundation, the virtual hall, built with Active Worlds software, has been in development for nearly two years. Construction is ongoing given that one of the blessings (or curses) of a digital-only world is that it can be altered indefinitely without costly land acquisitions and complicated building permits.

As the students-turned-museum builders, each of whom came from New York-area middle and high schools, collaborated on the space and filled it with interactive installations, they bolstered their communication and team-working abilities along with their illustration and programming skills. In time, the Virtual Hall of Science will serve as an interactive environment where students can go on virtual field trips as easily as logging into their computers—no bag lunch or permission slips required.”

Read it all here: http://spotlight.macfound.org/featured-stories/entry/Students-Curate-Their-Own-Virtual-Museum-Space-at-the-new-york-hall-science/

Serious Gaming Demystified

17 06 2011

by Atos Origin


Go get your 16-page document at http://www.atosorigin.com/en-us/Business_Insights/Thought_leadership/Thought_leadership_Container/serious_gaming_demystified.htm

There is a request form, but don’t let it stop you. It’s a free document. (Nic Mitham of KZero does the same with his yearly virtual reports and charts). http://www.kzero.co.uk/ Just a way to measure interest)